Thursday, April 16, 2009

Southern Luzon

4-14 After 7.5 hr vanride from Manila we settled into our suite (province style) courtesy of Bong and Eva. Our goal besides out-of-meeting relationships was two days in which to present, on behalf of Zion Ministries International extension Bible school, Foundational studies in 8 sessions from Hebrews 6:1-2. Diane did two sessions, Mike two and led worship twice, and I did 4 as well as preach the first night revival. Mike griped about the heat - no wonder, that day was the hottest of the year! Around 96F and super humid. Pastor Edwin ran out of steam after interpreting 9 messages so we cancelled the last night of revival and came back to Manila (left 10PM and arrived 2AM). We wanted him to live to fight another day! For those following our itinerary: the family camp was cancelled for no venue. Sunday Diane will speak in the main church here in Mandaluyong and then speak at the ladies' luncheon. I will go to the N. side of the city, Malabon, to be with Eric and Janet's church and then come back to get Diane and we will speak at Village East PM church (I think it was originally started by Elmer and Joy). Stay tuned.

1 comment:

  1. I'd be with Mike on the heat & humidity--not a good combination. Too bad about the family camp there--guess another good reason to go back some day! You sound like me--8 lessons on TWO VERSES!! That's like extracting bomb-grade plutonium with a nuclear centrifuge!
