Sunday, April 12, 2009

Melting Mountains

Mountains melt like wax in the presence of the Lord. Ps. 97:1-6 Camp Theme 'Going Forward'
4-9 706 people registered for camp. Jesus melted a mountain of unbelief as 40 people first time commitments to Jesus! Then I had about 40 pastors and prayer people come and pray for the 200 people who came because they were stuck in the valley of discouragement, stuck half way up a mountain, or stuck in a comfort zone. (good can be the enemy of the best)
4-10 Mike Olels and I had the men's group for 3 hrs. We got the guys to do a drama of David and Goliath. Mike (David) wore a long, red wig. It was a scream. Then he spoke on about Dvid as a man after God's heart. Then we did a 'sketch' with David bringing deliverance to Saul (1Sam. 16) and I talked about worship as warfare.
Diane had the women for 5 hrs! Best let her tell you what happened.
PM meeing I did a long altar time in phases out of Ps. 68:1-10: First we prayed with the fatherless, widows, and the lonely. Many tears (some have spouses working in other countries)
Second phaze was freedom from addictions, rebellion (esp. the attitude "whatever you want to do or require, I don't!), the weak, burn out, weary for refreshing, and healing.
4-11 am Diane got th little ones to make their armor of God from newspaper. One 3 yr. old refused to take it off most of the day. Mike did the youth revival meeting and I worked on mountains of unforgivenes in the afternoon. (If you still think about it, a lot you haven't dealt with it.)
4-12 Ressurection! Finishing well - Fixing hearts, minds, and eyes on Jesus as we run the marathon. A mob came up! Norm, the mission leader, said he was going to preach the same title, same passage, with similar illustrations before we swapped schedules (he did Sat. night so his video clips would show up better)
4-12 Brunch and 3hr drive back to Manila. That night the hosting church leaders gave a special Japanese restaurant dinner and cake for our 40th wedding anniversary. Some of these people were my students in the early 80's. They've passed me up! God is so amazing.
4-13 studying for the next thing - 6hr. travel tomorrow afternoon for 2 day extension - a team teach with Mike and Diane of 8 lessons on Heb. 6:1-2. Then night meetings.
Back on Friday. Thanks for prayers.


  1. I sure hope you have pictures of Mike in the red wig to post on Facebook!!

  2. You are so blessed and I feel so to, just to be a part of praying for you and the people there. Thanks for GO'ing, and DO'ing what the WORD says to do. I'm proud of 'ya!!!!LOVE YOU TOO! Miss you too. Everyone here (at the Sears home) is okay. See you when you get back, and I get back. I'll be flying out of SEATAC early am on the 4th, back on the 8th, so HOPEfully I'll be at RIVERS on the 10th.

  3. Yeah let's see the Mike all wigged out! BTW, you didn't mention what you were wearing so Mike will have to fill us in on that!
