Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Nov 5 From YWAM guesthouse in Nepal to our house in Shelton: 45 hrs including AAA towing about 15 miles from the house. We told ourselves we were in the USA but driving a third world car. Home sweet home... It seems wimpy to complain when people on the same mission 100 yrs ago would have taken a year to get to Nepal and then stayed for life.

Nov 6 Back in American cultural reality... mixed emotions, mostly tired, mostly thankful, a bit like Inception if you've seen the movie.
Diane chopped and cook for 4 hrs making Nepali potato-califlower curry, white radish salad, and Dal Bat (lentil sauce) for the rice.
Nov 7 Marilyn and Diane fed the whole church! Many people liked it, but the best compliment came Sun. night when Doras (Indian by race) said Diane's curry tasted like the real thing!
Nov 8 Sleeping patterns are messed up... guess I can blame any weirdness on jetlag for another week or so. After that will have to find another excuse...

People keep asking me if I had fun on this trip. It is not my definition of fun. I do love being with my wife and others seeing God's mighty Spirit working in peoples' lives as we say and do His will.

Extremely thankful for those who prayed and supported us on this mission.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

They do wonderful interpretive cultural dances to Christian Nepali music. At the finale of one of our 2 day seminars, they qued up the music and this young lady began to dance to Happy Birthday in English. Most people did not understand it so it took a moment to register that it wasnt on the program.
We found a distributer of Shaka Laka Boom noodles and he wanted to sell us a case but no room in my suitcase so we bought 6 packages. Not sure I have the faith to eat one... might go belly up and I still have one more day of meetings

11/1 We were north of Kathmandu in a tiny church today. Diane took the afternoon session and was exceptionally dramatic in storey telling. When she gave an example of what to do if a husband packs up and leaves. I crawled down the isle shouting Fogive me. She was so shocked, she blushed. I can still make her blush!
At the end several people were filled with the Spirit and healed. One man was shaking and said he felt like he was in the middle of fire and then lifted up.

11/2 We went to Jb's property 20K south of Kathmandu and drove the snakes out of the place. I hadn't planned to preach but the Lord gave me Rom.16:20 so I went from Gen.2:15 on through and we did some intercession. Diane had a word about God cleansing the soil 9 ft deep (weird huh?) Jb told us later the snake worshippers had done there thing several times in that exact spot. He had removed it, but they had come back and done it again. After a Nepali picnic (pop, donut, cake, banana, hot trail mix we walked 2 miles to the bus.

Went to the German Bakery run by a Nepali Hindu who said he learned to bake western style from a German hippie. I was about half through a Subway size roll of delicious yeasty white bread when he shouted, O my god, you are going to eat that whole loaf - you are King Kong! no jam or anything!

Chris Heian on our trip

Dennis preached Saturday at our host Eternal life Church and the ladies went to a small church with about 25 people in a 8x12' room. Dennis went there on the 31st and 2 Hindu guests heard the gospel for the first time. They said they believed.
Sunday (10/17) at a church in Kathmandu for "laborers commissioning" service with 65 in attendance.
10/18-19 Two day seminar at pastor J.B.'s church in Kathmandu with about 200 in attendance. Joy in the Holy Spirit with many baptized in the Holy Spirit and others receiving prophetic words from Dennis and Diane.
10/20 We went southeast to Chitwan while the ladies conducted a very successful seminar in Butwal west from us. We had a two day seminar in which many of the 160 attendees were healed and filled with joy. The next day Dennis preached in a nearby church with about 100. Some slain in the spirit, delivered,and many healed and four repented of sin.
The next day we traveled 2 hours east to another city and had dinner with the host pastor where we had a great revival 2 years ago. We based in this city we hired a van, an hour and forty minute drive each way for 2 days. There we conducted a 2 day seminar with @ 185 present. The team got across Dennis' theme "Who we are in Christ" and the participants were very joyful with many being baptized in the Holy Spirit.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Women's Update - from Diane & Marilyn

Hello from Nepal…. After 4-5 squatty-potty stops & about 8-9 hours thru the mountains to a flatter area south & west of Kathmandu, we arrived in Bhutal. After a short rickshaw ride, we arrived at the hotel. Other than the cold showers, it was a great place to stay… a good view of the mountains, and the “neighborhood”… a “moose head carving” on the wall – good for hanging our hand-washed laundry… walking distance to the shops & restaurant…. AND we had AIR-CONDITIONING IN OUR ROOM! Other tidbits… The cows are definitely comfortable in Bhutwal… in the market, in the street, at the bus stop, etc.

Diane & I spoke at a women’s conference & church there. The church was located in the middle of a rice field, and the people were great! They were so hungry for whatever God had for them that it was easy to impart to them. There were many women with tumors, marital & infertility problems who received hope, prayer and some healing.

The local church also has a ministry to women/girls who have been sold to be sex slaves. They have rescued about 150 in the past 7 years. And, we were able to meet some of these teenage girls who have been saved from a horrific life! They are being cared for, many have become Christians, and are not only being healed, but are being trained so they have job skills & can earn some money. What a blessing they are to these young women.

Yesterday we took “public transportation” from Bhutwal to Hetauda, where we will stay for the next few days while speaking at a conference in Nijhgad. I think that is the correct spelling. Anyway… the bus ride was quite an adventure. There were 5 of us …. and many more of “them!” People getting on & off at many stops along the way. Luggage on the roof, and an amazing guy who took care of collecting money, hauling luggage to/from the roof, helping the driver see “if anyone is coming” so he could pass the current slow truck or rickshaw or broken-down bus or cow or herd of whatever! He also took care of continually tightening the lug nuts after checking the tire directly below Diane & me. AND… he was the one who got one of these tires repaired at the “rest stop” along the way.

Speaking of rest stops… we stopped only twice… once at a well-used wooded area. Everyone spread out, did their business, and hopped back on the bus. The second stop was at a restaurant that had numerous squatty-potty options… We found the best option… and went for it! 

So – today is a day off. Time to relax & prepare for the next conference. After changing rooms twice, I am happy. I chose the room with a squatty potty. Not bad after you get the hang of it!

Blessings to everyone! LU all!
Marilyn & Diane

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Oct. 22-24

Took half hr. to go 8 miles in a tuk tuk (3wheeler) to see 150 people. About 20 pastors came. Some walking 4-6 hrs. 2 guys came over the mt walking 2 days. Quite humbling. Theme "Anointed with Holy Spirit and power" They got it!!! At the end we prayed for them and had them pray for everyone else. One older guy's back and leg was healed. He ran out and around the church!
Oct. 22 The Tuk Tuk driver took one brake out and threw it away (my kind of mechanic) Since the trip is level, I thought 2 out of 3 brakes would probably do. He got it fixed during the day, but had a flat on the same tire about 200 yds down the road going home.
I did a breaking of generational sins, curses, sicknesses message and we prayed each part, reversed the curses (lot of this with Hinduism and spiritism). Then we blessed those who cursed them as Jesus said in Lk. 6. Prayed for the nasty neighbors and holy men to get saved and enjoy the same mercy we have received. Afternoon I spoke 2.5 hrs on Who we are in Christ and the kingdom authority we have over demons and raising the dead. I felt really drawn to one of the 50-60 children – a 6 yr old girl had a terrific touch on her. Pray for Shanti. Her name means peace.
Oct 23 Jews and Hindus observe Saturday so Christians meet on this, the only day off. The pastor is from Ghurka tribe in the mts. His village is 1 day bus and 3 days walk. When he got saved and spoke about it, A Buddhist burned his house down. If I ever saw the Dali Lamma I’d ask him about that… first I’d say, “Hello, Dali” When his house burned, the local authorities ran him out of town! He sneaked back and afew people were saved and baptized. Now there are many believers in his village. Meanwhile he started a church here in the low lands.
It was packed today, 100 sardines! They sit on 16x16” pads on the floor. Before service he told us we need to pray for 9 demons possessed people at the end of the meeting! Made me wonder why I preached on that the day before. I felt the HS wanted me to preach humility, servanthood, forgiveness, and settling disagreements. 4 people gave their lives to Christ and maybe 30 came up for healing, some were pointed out as the demonized. Several were on the deck and testified later of healing. One demon tried to steal the show at the end. They always do that. The thrashing increased so I had them take her to another room so they could spend some time with it and we could end the meeting with joy and praise. Later the pastor asked why he has preached for yrs. but only lately there have been so many demonic problems. I told him God sent them to him because he could handle it, he is a Ghurka warrior. We both laughed. We both knew only Jesus does it through us as He gives strategy. He said he's not to happy about the midnight calls!
Tomorrow we move to the next town and have dinner with the pastor of the place we had some glorious chaos 2 yrs. ago. Then we travel to the next seminar.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Today started our two day revival "Anointed with the Holy Spirit and Power" from Acts 10:38. 170 people in a 20x40' room (minus 6x20' for the platform, pillars and sound system with a few side windows, a sweatbox during worship.) In Diane's session on the Holy Spirit, 100 people stayed in during the break and were seeking the baptism of the Spirit. It turned into a a powerful prayer meeting with many speaking in tongues for the first time.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Chris gave away his umbrella because it is supposed to be dry season. It poured all night, sprinkled periodically today. Woke uo at 3AM with vertigo. Did some of my best speaking while teetering on the stage. Walked 4 miles to and from the meeting. Worth every muddy foot!
Got there early thinking they were practicin worship, but noticed the schedule said they started the meeting 45 min. before we arrived. Besides the start everything changed. Lunch wasn't ready so someone decided to do the whole day before lunch. We were told it would end with an ordaination of the 2 church's elders and deacons with recognition of department heads and teachers. Turned out the young people had been trained for a couple days so we were to anoint and commission them. About 30 people got seriously wacked.
Came back to the hostel to do laundry but the machine was broken so Diane and I wrung it out by hand. Studied for tomorrow and now for some CSI reruns.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Nepal 2010

Oct. 16, 2010
Dennis and Chris Heian at Eternal Life Church here in Patan, Kathmandu, Nepal. My topic: Who is this Jesus? Several people were healed and I didn’t even mention that He is the Great Physician.

Diane and Marilyn were waiting for lunch after speaking at a village church. A 3 yr. old boy came in to show off his chicken. When he picked up the chicken to leave, he picked up the poop and ate it! For this is 12 yr old sister wacked him in the back of the head. After lunch no taxis so they walked over an hr. until the pastor came. Started to rain just after that!
Tomorrow is a national Hindu holiday. Nothing is open. Everyone (Hindus) celebrates and sacrifices for prosperity. They worship cars and anything with an engine by spreading chicken or goat blood on the tires decorating and believing the motors will last longer. Cows get burning candles on their backs and leis of flowers.
We are going out of the city for an all day fellowship of two churches. At the end, they will recognize all leaders, department heads, etc. Basically everyone...